Browse Collections (15 total)

Harriet Tubman Monuments

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The monuments and memorials in this collection commemorate the extraordinary achievements of the abolitionist and women’s rights activist Harriet…

Contributors: Renée Ater

USCT Monuments


The monuments and memorials in this section honor the vital contributions of the United States Colored Troops (USCT) in the Union victory during the…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Underground Railroad Monuments

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The memorial and monuments in this collection are dedicated to the Underground Railroad, an organized network of routes and safe houses that…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Slavery Monuments in the Caribbean


Slavery Monuments in Europe


Slavery Monuments in Africa


Monuments and memorials to the transatlantic slave trade in West and East Africa are included in this collection. Memorialization efforts from Senegal…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Slavery Monuments in Mexico, Central America, and South America


Sojourner Truth Monuments


The monuments in this collection address the life and legacy of Sojourner Truth, the tireless abolitionist, feminist, and brilliant orator. Truth…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Frederick Douglass Monuments


Frederick Douglass (c. February 1818—February 20, 1895), one of the most brilliant orators of his generation, worked ceaselessly for the cause of…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Cemeteries and Memorial Parks


This collection is just a fraction of the burial sites dedicated to enslaved persons, "contrabands," and freed persons. Many of these cemeteries and…

Contributors: Renée Ater