Browse Collections (15 total)

Sojourner Truth Monuments


The monuments in this collection address the life and legacy of Sojourner Truth, the tireless abolitionist, feminist, and brilliant orator. Truth…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Transatlantic Slave Trade - Middle Passage Monuments


This collection focuses on monuments and memorialsdedicated to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the Middle Passage. Between the 16th and 19th…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Underground Railroad Monuments

Perri_Prairie Boat_Beaubien Woods_view from portal.jpg

The memorial and monuments in this collection are dedicated to the Underground Railroad, an organized network of routes and safe houses that…

Contributors: Renée Ater

Universities and Slavery Monuments


The monuments in this collection examine the intertwined histories of American universities and slavery. In his book, Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery,…

Contributors: Renée Ater

USCT Monuments


The monuments and memorials in this section honor the vital contributions of the United States Colored Troops (USCT) in the Union victory during the…

Contributors: Renée Ater