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To mark the bicentennial of Frederick Douglass’ birth, the City of Rochester, NY, commissioned Olivia Kim to create thirteen live-size portraits of Douglass, placing them throughout the city at sites significant to Douglass’s life and work. Kim took…

The monumental bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands behind a concave wall, on an elevated semi-circular stage. She stands to the left of a lectern, her left arm outstretched at her side as she looks out at an imagined audience. She places her…

The life-size bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands at the center of a square granite base. Truth is shown bespectacled, wearing a period-appropriate head covering, long scarf, and floor-length dress. Her arms are open at her side, in an inviting…

The life-size bronze figure of Sojourner Truth holds a bible in her right hand and handbag in her left. Clad in a simple, unstructured dress, bonnet, and shawl draped around her shoulders, Truth strides forward.

Unlike many sculptural representations of Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Catlett’s work is geometrized and slightly abstracted. Truth is shown with her arms crossed at her chest as she tilts her head skyward, her eyes closed. The flared skirt of her…

"In From Absence to Presence, the tectonic form of a slave quarter materializes from the ground up evoking how this history was uncovered from archaeological research – making the invisible visible. The surfaces are gradated in a pattern of staggered…

"The Camp Barker Memorial frames the site’s history as Camp Barker, a Civil War ‘contraband camp’, with three entry gateways to a public elementary school in northwest Washington D.C. Union forces used the term 'contraband' to describe formerly…

The memorial commemorates Henry "Box" Brown's harrowing journey to freedom. On March 23, 1849, with the assistance of James Caesar Anthony Smith, a freedman and white abolitionist, Samuel Alexander Smith, Brown shipped himself in a two-by-three-foot…

Dedicated to the history of enslavement in the Southern United States, the Whitney Plantation is sited on the grounds where enslaved people labored in bondage for over 100 years. The museum is comprised of twelve historic structures. A number of…

A figurative statue of Dred and Harriet Scott. Dred Scott wears a suit with tie. He reaches his left arm behind Harriet Scott, embracing her; they also hold hands. Harriet Scott wears a full-length dress and turns her head upward.
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