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Railroad tracks emerge from the ground, reaching upward. This sculpture commemorates Oberlin's role in the Underground Railroad. Cameron Armstrong (then a senior at Oberlin College) created the sculpture in 1977 as part of a class art project.

A low relief depicts three freedom seekers against the map of Ohio: a father, mother, and young boy. The male figure is show in profile wearing a soft brimmed hat, holding a walking cane, and dressed in simple shirt and pants with worn shoes ( a hole…

The statue depicts a male freedom seeker from the waist up. His head is turned to his right shoulder, looking back toward the south and leaning to the north as he presses down with his hands on a stone circle to hoist himself out of an underground…

From "On the Removal of Statues": Ball’s composition includes two figures, one fully clothed, the other semi-nude. Due to the dozens of photographs that survive from the 1860s, we recognize that the standing bearded man is Abraham Lincoln. Dressed in…

Perri_Prairie Boat_Beaubien Woods_view from portal.jpg
The design of this 40-foot-long gathering space connects the African American Water Trail, the natural spaces of Beaubien Woods on the Far South Side of Chicago, and the Little Calumet River. The space marks the beginning of the Trail, which contains…
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