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The life-size bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands at the center of a square granite base. Truth is shown bespectacled, wearing a period-appropriate head covering, long scarf, and floor-length dress. Her arms are open at her side, in an inviting…

Located near University Hall, the oldest building on campus and constructed with the labor of enslaved persons, the memorial has two distinct features: a sculpture and a stone plinth. The sculpture consists of a massive ductile-iron chain, which…

Taken collectively, the elongated bronze figures of enslaved Africans evoke the hull of a ship. An over life-sized woman, her arms outstretched as she arches her body backward, recalls the ship’s prow. The stern of the ship is personified by a number…

The work commemorates members of the 54th Volunteer Infantry, the first documented African American regiment to be formed during the Civil War. Colonel Shaw, the regiment’s leader, is shown on horseback with three rows of infantrymen marching behind…

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Two nude figures, shown from the knees up, face one another as they gaze skyward. The two bronze figures of a man and woman stand in a cast-iron dome fountain.

The bronze torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular bronze base. Unlike its Liverpudlian counterpart, this work includes the addition of bronze low-relief designs, reflecting images related to the slave…

The iron torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular iron base. Two other identical sculptures were erected in 1989 in Belfast, Northern Ireland and Glasgow, Scotland. According to the artist, the works…

The bronze torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular bronze base. Unlike its Liverpudlian counterpart, this work includes the addition of bronze low-relief designs, reflecting images related to the slave…

Perri_Prairie Boat_Beaubien Woods_view from portal.jpg
The design of this 40-foot-long gathering space connects the African American Water Trail, the natural spaces of Beaubien Woods on the Far South Side of Chicago, and the Little Calumet River. The space marks the beginning of the Trail, which contains…

The statue depicts a male freedom seeker from the waist up. His head is turned to his right shoulder, looking back toward the south and leaning to the north as he presses down with his hands on a stone circle to hoist himself out of an underground…
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