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Two nude figures, shown from the knees up, face one another as they gaze skyward. The two bronze figures of a man and woman stand in a cast-iron dome fountain.

The work commemorates members of the 54th Volunteer Infantry, the first documented African American regiment to be formed during the Civil War. Colonel Shaw, the regiment’s leader, is shown on horseback with three rows of infantrymen marching behind…

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Taken collectively, the elongated bronze figures of enslaved Africans evoke the hull of a ship. An over life-sized woman, her arms outstretched as she arches her body backward, recalls the ship’s prow. The stern of the ship is personified by a number…

Located near University Hall, the oldest building on campus and constructed with the labor of enslaved persons, the memorial has two distinct features: a sculpture and a stone plinth. The sculpture consists of a massive ductile-iron chain, which…

The life-size bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands at the center of a square granite base. Truth is shown bespectacled, wearing a period-appropriate head covering, long scarf, and floor-length dress. Her arms are open at her side, in an inviting…

The monumental bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands behind a concave wall, on an elevated semi-circular stage. She stands to the left of a lectern, her left arm outstretched at her side as she looks out at an imagined audience. She places her…

The life-size bronze figure of Sojourner Truth holds a bible in her right hand and handbag in her left. Clad in a simple, unstructured dress, bonnet, and shawl draped around her shoulders, Truth strides forward.

Unlike many sculptural representations of Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Catlett’s work is geometrized and slightly abstracted. Truth is shown with her arms crossed at her chest as she tilts her head skyward, her eyes closed. The flared skirt of her…

The monument depicts the members of the 62nd and 65th United States Colored Infantry who, in 1866, founded Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri. The work includes two soldiers and Capt. Foster, their white commander, who all are shown atop…


Two semicircular gray granite walls, inlaid with twelve bronze panels illustrating 300 years of African American history, frame an obelisk and pedestal. The twelve scenes of African American history include images of the Middle Passage, an African…
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