William Seward and Harriet Tubman Statue (Schenectady, New York)

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Dublin Core


William Seward and Harriet Tubman Statue (Schenectady, New York)


Subject (Topic)
Abolitionist--United States
Antislavery movements--United States
New York--History
Northeastern United States
Public art
Public sculpture
Underground Railroad

Subject (Name)
Tubman, Harriet, 1822-1913
Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872

Subject (Object Type)
Commemorative sculpture


Life-size statue of William Seward and Harriet Tubman standing on Mohawk Valley ordovician dolostone inside a garden bed. Seward stands with a cane in his right hand and his left arm around the back of Tubman. He wears nineteenth-century clothing including a jacket, vest, and pants. Tubman gestures with her right hand and carries a walking stick in her left hand. She wears a bodice and skirt. Draped across her chest is a sack with the end of a revolver visible.


Benedict, Dexter, 1944-


Photographs by Renée Ater


May 17, 2019


Board of Trustees of the Schenectady County Public Library; and Community Members: Virginia and Frank Wicks; Carl George; Anita Paul and David Gerhan; Jim and Jean Underwood; Linda Patrik and David Kaczynski; Twitty and Constance Styles; Cara Molyneaux; Arnold Seiken; Roger Hull; Brian and Judith Merriam; Robert Ringlee; Miriam Butzel; Butzel Family Foundation; Norman Maender; David and Jean Cossey; Carmela St George; Barbara Armstrong and Robert Coppola; Rhonda Becker; Anastasia Pease; Eshragh Motahar; Paul and Christina Friedman; Katherine Lynes; Roger and Seneca Hoerl; Karen and Rodney Crosby; David and Ann Songayllo Hannay; Cherrice Traver; Jonathan and Rachel Marr; Marsha and Leonard Mortimore; James and Jean McLaughlin; Andrea Worthington and Robert Olberg; Kesheng Yu; Paul Wehrum; Barry Kramer; Rebecca Koopman; Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara; Ted Vinick; Becky Cortez; Martha Huggins and Malcolm Willison; Faith and Dexter Benedict; Mary and Phillip Lyford; Clifford Brown; Caroline Bardwell; Margaret Craven Snowden, M.D.; Nancy Papish; Julie Pieper-Hemmings; Senator James Tedisco; Charles and Linda Becker; Charles and Marianne Szuberla; Patricia and Keith Barneyl; Wayne and Amy Brule; Jim and Cei Mack; Martin and Sharon Strosberg; Mary O’Keeffe; Margo and James Strosberg, M.D.; Peter and Judy Nocera; Mary and Thomas Werner; Michele and Randall Collins; Donald O. Reid; Darren and Lisa Tracy; West Branch Engineering and Consulting; Philip and Jo Ann Adams; Kenneth Baker; Marcia M. Steiner; Nicholas C. Barber; Carmel Patrick; Alden and Gay Doolittle; Betty Pieper; Robert McEvoy; Joe Spedafora; Linda Patrik and David Kaczynski; Matthew George; Brian Reh; Anita Paul; Susan and Gustave Davis, M.D.; Lek and James Meyer; Laura Lee; First Reformed Church of Schenectady; Wicks Family; Jim and Carol McCord; Capital District Civil War Round Table; Jonathan R. Miller (in memory of Aaron Rees ’95); Kathleen Pierone; Ann M. Cole; Professional Women; Schenectady County Historical Society; Hugh and Vaughn Nevin; John Polimeni; John and Lucy Halstead; Kim and Gary Mabee; Naomi Bristol; Lois and Richardson Atkinson; Brendan Degan Weingarten Savage; Henry M. Butzel Family Foundation; Lidia Pasamanick; The Honorable Richard and Bernice Russo; Touhey Family Foundation; John and Margaret Watraus; Susan Savage; Daniel and Shari Grygas; David Gerhan and Anita Paul; Deborah LaFond; Betty Carol Barlyn; Willie Terry; Mario Salerno; Philip Hilferty; Lewis and Irene Greenstein; Kim Scheverman; Arnold and Ione Seiken; David and Karen Bradley; David Kaczynski and Linda Patrik; The Brockbank Family; Estate of Marjorie Kenney (in Memory of Alice P Kenney); William Keat; Eric Bersch; Liz Paul and Paul John; Rene and William Curtin; Steve Rockwell; Jean Libby; The Reverend Ruby J. Smith; Dr Nancy D. Fitzroy; Janis Polishook; L. William Davis; Dr Walter and Anne Robb; Bradley and Catherine Lewis; Christopher Gardner; Kathleen LoGiudice and John Blanchard; Christopher Leonard; Philip M. Williamson; Jean Hayden Hutchins (in Memory of Dr Charles Steinmetz); Eric and Kent Johnson (in Memory of Mayor Karen Johnson); and The Wicks Family (in Memory of Dr Rollo and Hazel Wicks).








Visual Arts-Sculpture


Karen B. Johnson Schenectady County Public Library, 99 Clinton Street, Schenectady, New York, 12305, United States

Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format


Physical Dimensions



Benedict, Dexter, 1944-, “William Seward and Harriet Tubman Statue (Schenectady, New York),” Contemporary Monuments to the Slave Past, accessed September 20, 2024, https://mail.slaverymonuments.org/items/show/1185.
