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Sited on the tourist promenade of River Street, the work depicts a black family in contemporary dress. The father, mother, daughter, and son hold one another in a tight embrace as they stand on broken chains. Along the base of the work are engravings…

An imposing figure of a woman stares straight ahead, seated barefoot on a wide-backed chair. She holds a torch in one hand and a tool used to cut sugar cane in the other. The sculpture was inspired by Mary Thomas, one of the Three Queens of St.…

The muscular, semi-nude figure looks resolutely forward as he raises a machete in his right hand and holds a long (sugar cane?) in his left. A shackle with a broken chain is still attached to his left wrist. The work was created to celebrate Gaspar…

The museum, located on Liverpool’s Albert Docks, is close to the dry docks where 18th-century slave trading ships were repaired and fitted out. According to the museum’s director, David Fleming:“Our vision is to create a major new International…

Six rectangular perspex blocks, suspended between a rectangular, stainless steel column and an oblong, stone column, rests on a circular base embellished with a mosaic and small metal sculptures. The work is meant to recall the decks of the…

Taken collectively, the elongated bronze figures of enslaved Africans evoke the hull of a ship. An over life-sized woman, her arms outstretched as she arches her body backward, recalls the ship’s prow. The stern of the ship is personified by a number…

Erected as a space to remember the atrocities of slavery and to commemorate all past and present efforts to resist it, the memorial was constructed in the former center of the French slave trade, Nantes. Designed by an artist and an architect, the…

The monumental ironwork is dedicated to both the memory of General Dumas, the first black general in France, and the abolition of slavery. The work, which consists of broken shackles and iron chains, was erected on the site of Alphonse de Perrin de…

Five nude torsos of enslaved Africans emerge from stone pillars, whose rough and pebbled texture resemble the stones that fill the concrete pit that surround them. The five cast concrete figures, all but one of whom are chained around the neck, are…

The island of Gorée was the site of one of the earliest European settlements in Western Africa and from the 15th to the 19th century, served as the largest slave-trading site on the African coast. Built in 1776, Maison des Esclaves, was a detention…
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