Browse Items (115 total)

Single figure of Harriet Tubman, wearing a coat, haversack slung over her right shoulder, and a pistol at her waist. Tubman points her right hand toward the sky, symbolic of the “North Star.” Signed by the artist: James L. Gafgen, 2005. Foundry…

The Haitian Monument commemorates the contributions of the Chasseurs-Volontaires de Saint-Domingue, a French regiment of free men of African descent, during the American Revolution. The work depicts five uniformed and armed soldiers, rifles pointed…

A monumental sculpture of Harriet Tubman made of soil, clay, and straw, is scrawled with the words from Frederick Douglass. The sculpture is made from perishable materials, meant to dissolve over the winter. Scott designed the sculpture so that…

Gilt of Cain sculpture by Michael Visocchi & Lemn Sissay 31052014 A (Copy).jpg
Located near St. Mary Woolnoth Church, where the abolitionist William Wilberforce heard the anti-slavery sermons of the Rev. John Newton, the monument consists of 17 carved granite columns clustered around a granite podium. The curvilinear forms of…

Two gateway pillars (approximately fifteen feet tall), topped with candles symbolizing the “Flame of Freedom,” flank Ed Dwight's memorial to the Underground Railroad. The work, which overlooks the Detroit River, includes a ten-by-twelve-foot…

The muscular, semi-nude figure looks resolutely forward as he raises a machete in his right hand and holds a long (sugar cane?) in his left. A shackle with a broken chain is still attached to his left wrist. The work was created to celebrate Gaspar…

"In From Absence to Presence, the tectonic form of a slave quarter materializes from the ground up evoking how this history was uncovered from archaeological research – making the invisible visible. The surfaces are gradated in a pattern of staggered…

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The monument consists of five bronze sculptures. The subjects are a family of freedom seekers including a father, mother and baby; Lewiston's Underground Railroad Station Master, Josiah Tryon; and the fictional heroine, Laura Eastman, from the…

From "On the Removal of Statues": Ball’s composition includes two figures, one fully clothed, the other semi-nude. Due to the dozens of photographs that survive from the 1860s, we recognize that the standing bearded man is Abraham Lincoln. Dressed in…

The memorial is located in the Freedman Cemetery in Dallas, Texas. Established in 1861, it is one of the largest Freedman's cemeteries in the country. A Texas Red granite archway marks the entrance to the memorial. Two niches, located on either side…
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