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The bronze torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular bronze base. Unlike its Liverpudlian counterpart, this work includes the addition of bronze low-relief designs, reflecting images related to the…

The iron torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular iron base. Two other identical sculptures were erected in 1989 in Belfast, Northern Ireland and Glasgow, Scotland. According to the artist, the works…

Two young women emerge from a large rocky outcrop, their hands clasped tightly as they stride forward. The over life-sized work depicts the abolitionists and formerly enslaved workers, Mary and Emily Edmonson. The statue is located on the site of the…

The ten-foot-tall bronze statue of a young Frederick Douglass casts his gaze forward and ever-so-slightly downward toward an imagined viewer. Standing squarely forward, Douglass' left knee is slightly raised as if he were on the verge of walking off…

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Life-size statue of William Seward and Harriet Tubman standing on Mohawk Valley ordovician dolostone inside a garden bed. Seward stands with a cane in his right hand and his left arm around the back of Tubman. He wears nineteenth-century clothing…

From "On the Removal of Statues": Ball’s composition includes two figures, one fully clothed, the other semi-nude. Due to the dozens of photographs that survive from the 1860s, we recognize that the standing bearded man is Abraham Lincoln. Dressed in…

An elder Frederick Douglass is depicted seated on a scissors chair— the armrests are adorned with the faces of open-mouthed lions, while the chair’s legs have been carved in the shape of lion’s legs. In bas-relief, the chair’s back is embellished…

The museum, housed in a silver-latticework structure on the site of the former Darboussier sugar factory along the Pointe-à-Pitre waterfront, is dedicated to the history of the slave trade and slavery. The museum includes permanent exhibitions…

Railroad tracks emerge from the ground, reaching upward. This sculpture commemorates Oberlin's role in the Underground Railroad. Cameron Armstrong (then a senior at Oberlin College) created the sculpture in 1977 as part of a class art project.

The monumental bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands behind a concave wall, on an elevated semi-circular stage. She stands to the left of a lectern, her left arm outstretched at her side as she looks out at an imagined audience. She places her…
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